
Client Management for Accountants

Elevate your firm's service with precision and personal touch.

Streamline Operations. Amplify Productivity.

Transforming Prospects into Lifelong Clients. Streamlined for your business needs.

Centralized Client Information

Effortlessly navigate through a unified client database that keeps you and your team informed and prepared for every interaction.

Mass Mailing and Emailing

Launch targeted communication campaigns with our mass email and direct mailing features, and maintain ongoing client dialogue with integrated email functionalities.

Convenient Client Portal

Offer your clients the security they deserve with a fortified client portal for all their confidential document exchanges.

Synchronized Communication

Our Outlook 365 integration ensures that your emails and calendars are always in sync, streamlining your workflow and reducing response times.

Simplifying Client Management for Accountants

You're dedicated to your clients and your craft, but managing client information, communication, and billing can often feel like navigating a labyrinth.

The scattered client data, inefficient communication, and cumbersome billing processes not only slow you down but also threaten the trust and rapport you've built with your clients. TPS Software is here to organize and streamline these processes, offering a comprehensive suite of client management tools tailored for the unique needs of accountants.

Centralized Client Information

TPS Cloud Axis serves as the nerve center of your client management strategy. It aggregates all client information into one accessible, secure location. This centralized database ensures you're always prepared for any client interaction, with the ability to retrieve any piece of data in moments. This immediate access not only boosts your efficiency but also significantly strengthens client trust by demonstrating your attentiveness and reliability.

Mass Mailing and Emailing

Our platform includes powerful tools for bulk communication, allowing you to send mass emails and mailings with ease. This functionality is invaluable for maintaining regular contact, sending out newsletters, updates, or important notices. Regular, effective communication fosters a stronger relationship, keeping you top of mind and potentially opening doors to additional billable services.

Categories and Year-Ends

Efficiently manage your client roster with strategic categorization and monitor crucial fiscal year-end deadlines. This feature ensures you're always ahead of critical compliance dates, helping you plan your workload more effectively and prioritize tasks. By never missing a deadline, you maintain a high level of professional integrity and client satisfaction.

Task Tracking and Updates

Stay organized and keep your clients in the loop with advanced task tracking and real-time updates. This feature allows you to manage client-related tasks efficiently, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks. Clients appreciate the transparency and ongoing communication, reinforcing their confidence in your services.

Secure Client Portal

Our secure client portal revolutionizes document exchange and client interaction. This encrypted, password-protected space allows for the safe transfer of sensitive information, ensuring that confidentiality is always maintained. It not only streamlines workflow but also significantly boosts client confidence in your firm's ability to protect their most valuable data.

Client Analytical Reports

Gain valuable insights into client activity and profitability with our comprehensive analytical reports. These reports allow you to assess the health of your client relationships and identify areas for growth or improvement. Armed with this data, you can make informed decisions that drive your practice forward.

Integration with Outlook 365

TPS Software seamlessly integrates with Outlook 365, offering bi-directional email functionality. This integration streamlines your communication process, allowing you to send and receive emails directly through the platform. It reduces response times and ensures you never miss an important message, keeping your practice efficient and responsive.

Bi-directional Email

Our bi-directional email feature enhances your ability to communicate with clients directly from TPS Software. This ensures that all correspondence is logged and accessible within the client's profile, providing a comprehensive communication history that can inform future interactions and decisions.

Client Management fAQs

TPS Software is an integrated client management system designed specifically for accounting professionals to manage client information, communication, and billing more efficiently.

Our software centralizes all client information, provides tools for mass communication, facilitates task tracking, and includes a secure portal for document exchanges, making every aspect of client management more streamlined and secure.

Yes, TPS Software integrates seamlessly with Outlook 365 and other popular email and calendar applications to provide a unified communication experience.

Absolutely, our secure client portal ensures that all documents exchanged with your clients are done so with the utmost confidentiality and security.

Yes, TPS Software allows you to generate detailed analytical reports to gain insights into client activity and practice profitability.

We offer comprehensive customer support through various channels, including phone, email, and live chat, to ensure your queries are resolved promptly.

Security is our top priority. TPS Software is built with industry-standard security measures to protect your and your clients' data.

TPS Software offers customizable options to fit the unique needs of your firm, ensuring that it works the way you do.

Yes, we provide training sessions and resources to help new users become proficient with the software quickly and effectively.


Try TPS Cloud Axis Today

With our affordable pricing plans and easy sign-up process, there’s no reason not to try TPS Cloud Axis and see what it can do for your firm.

Schedule a free demo below or get started right away by choosing the tier that’s right for you.